About Me

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I'm a qualified interior designer from Sir J.J. School of Art, Mumbai, India. I graduated in 2006. I started out as an interior designer working with architects but soon realised that my real calling was art direction and production design. So from then...till now, i have worked in the capacities of an assistant art director to an art director. In the past nine and a half years I have worked on feature films, commercials, events, reality show and a teleserial. Presently, I would like to take up an opportunity to work in the capacity of an art director.


Music video (anthem) for Star's new action movie channel launch:

This video is on air..
Location: ISC factory premises, Bhandup (west), Mumbai.
Production house: Enter Guerrilla Films
Director: Srinivas Sunderrajan (of Scribe metal band fame)
Filmed in December 2011

Location before makeover:

With strategic planning and design, this factory space was transformed into a space more related to the feel of the music as well as the image of pentagram..

The anthem..
with snippets of action movie scenes..as seen on television..

Full version of the music video..
(my apologies for the low video resolution..a higher resolution video shall be uploaded soon..)

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